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Application of Marketing 4.0 principles by the Indian mutual fund Industry

Research Article

Authors: Polisetty Aruna & Vijaya Kittu Manda

Journal Name: International Journal of Recent Technology & Engineering (IJRTE); ISSN: ISSN:2277-3878

Publisher: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)

Volume Number: 8 (5)

Publication Date: 2020

Pages: 3197–3205

Journal Paper Link on Publisher Website

Abstract: The competitive Indian Mutual Fund Industry requires the use of Marketing 4.0 principles owing to changing marketplace dynamics and increased competition. Traditional advertising forms got saturated with mutual funds, and the new redefined marketing principles reinforced the need to move to digital media. The recent addition of the fifth A (Advocacy) to the marketing jargon became necessary because of the increased connectedness and social nature of the customers (investors). The O-Zone factor increasingly influences investor decision making and helps in driving loyal investors from Aware to Advocate. This article discusses the social media marketing of Indian Asset Management Companies (AMCs). Improving brand curiosity and extending product reach to prospective clients are some potential advantages of the activity. Engagement marketing practices, marketing expense impact, four C's marketing mix, and online customer care are some new marketing principles. AMCs can use these to build better marketing campaigns for building investor-centric financial products. Different dimensions of social media usage are specified, and their utilization by various Indian mutual fund houses is measured. This understanding can help in better marketing of financial products and services, particularly that of mutual funds.

Keywords: advocacy, asset management, financial product marketing, marketing 4.0, mutual fund marketing

DOI: https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.D9027.018520

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