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Growth and Development of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) in India

Research Article

Authors: Vijaya Kittu Manda & Dr. Aruna Polisetty

Journal Name: International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research; ISSN: 2394-7780; UGC Journal No: 63571

Volume Number: Volume 6, Issue 1 (XI): January – March 2019

Publication Date: 2019

Pages: 90-94

Journal Paper Link on Publisher Website

Abstract: Increased investor money is flowing into capital markets through mutual funds, both globally and in India. Though actively managed funds dominate Assets Under Management (AUM) charts, increasing awareness and trading volumes are channelling investments into passive investing products such as Index mutual funds and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). With stock exchanges designing and offering a variety of indices, more Asset Management Companies (AMCs) are seeking permission from market regulators to start offering newer ETF products. Governments, such as in India, are using the ETF route to achieve its divestment targets. ETF volumes of equity and commodities are picking up on trading terminals as India is gearing up for new ETF categories - Debt ETF and Smart Beta ETFs. All these facts point out that Indian financial market is joining the matured markets league. Mere building new financial products might not be sufficient and chasing growth always poses challenges. This paper attempts to understand the concept and dynamics of ETFs, recent regulations, how Governments are using them in their divestment process and to understand if Indian investors are ready for such products. Further, we attempt to give some suggestions that help deepen ETF penetration in India.

Keywords: mutual funds, ETF, exchange traded fund, index fund, passive investing, smart beta etf

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/SRY34

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  1. Level of Investors Satisfaction with ETFs, Advantages and Perception towards Investment in ETFs
  2. Investigating Factors Affecting Retail Investor Awareness of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

© 2023-2025 Vijaya Kittu Manda